All containing items are going to be displayed in the main window along with name, format, type, size, and last accessed date and time. It is possible to upload directories with the help of a file browser, as well as the “drag and drop” function. Configuring settings, generating lists and saving both items to HDD It is important to also keep in mind that by moving the program files to an external data device, you make it possible to run Filelist Creator on any machine you have been granted access to, with just a click of the button. Aside from that, it is not going to add new items to the Windows registry or the hard drive, as installers usually do, and it is not going to leave any traces behind after its removal.

Surprisingly enough, this utility is portable, which means that you are not required to go through the installation process anymore. Filelist Creator is a software tool that was specifically built in order to aid individuals in generating lists, based on the contents of a specified folder.